
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Silk Pure Almond Milk Review + {Giveaway} (CLOSED)

My family is pretty adventurous and will try new things often. (You should have heard the recent discussion with our 4 year old about eating bugs- crickets, grasshoppers, slugs, etc. Funny stuff!) Anyway, when we got the chance to try Silk Pure Almond Milk, I figured my boys would at least give it a go.

I was given coupons for 2 half-gallons of Silk Pure Almond Milk, so I used them to get one of the Original and one Vanilla. That way we could try both varieties and see what we thought. I'm glad that I chose both kinds, because they are quite different in their flavor. The Vanilla Silk Pure Almond is a lot sweeter than the Original. To just drink a glass of milk, though, I would choose the Vanilla one. We also tried using it in our cooking and noticed that you don't need to use as much as the recipe calls for.

Here are some benefits of Almond Milk from Silk:

For starters, it's the almonds. Every little nut is a perfectly packaged powerhouse of natural antioxidants and more. In fact, we like to think of almonds as Nature's Perfect Nutrition – and that's where our almondmilk begins.

Almonds are recognized by health professionals as a nutritious addition to a healthy diet. A serving of almonds provides an excellent source of vitamin E (a natural antioxidant), and a good source of protein and fiber. In fact, almonds are higher in protein and fiber than any other tree nut. Plus, they're naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free.
It doesn't take much to get from whole, natural almonds to Silk Pure Almond™ almondmilk. Each glass provides an excellent source of natural antioxidants* and as much calcium and vitamin D as dairy milk, with absolutely no cholesterol, saturated fat, dairy or soy. And, best of all, a serving of Silk Pure Almond Original almondmilk is only 60 calories, and a delicious glass of Vanilla is just 90.
Like every product in the Silk® family, Silk Pure Almond almondmilk treats your body to perfectly delicious nutrition, just as Nature intended.
*Fortified with natural antioxidant Vitamin E

We liked the Silk Pure Almond Milk, but it is a little different. I think as a dairy alternative, it's a great thing. But in general I think I'll stick with regular milk. Would you like to try it for yourself, see how below.

Buy It: Check their product locator to see where you can get Silk Pure Almond Milk in a store near you. And you can go get a $0.75 off coupon from their website.

Win It: I have something for two lucky winners. One winner will receive a Silk Pure Almond coupon for a free half gallon and also a Silk Pure Almond branded ChicoBag. The second winner will received a Silk Pure Almond coupon for a free half gallon.

To Enter: Tell me where you can get Silk Pure Almond Milk near you using their Product Locator. Be sure to include your e-mail address, so I can contact you when you win. (If I can't find an e-mail address in your profile or don't already have it, I will draw a new number for the winner.)

Extra Entries: If you'd like to, you may earn extra entries for doing each of the following. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each. You must do the above (main) entry first, and then you can do these others.

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Enter to win Silk Pure Almond Milk prizes from @psmomreviews – http://tinyurl.com/2d9dq3w

This giveaway is open now through Sunday, July 25th. I will post a winner on Monday, July 26th.

>Open to USA only!<

*Disclosure: I was not paid to post this, but a product was provided to me for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.*


shannonmetz12 said...

I actually have been wanting to try this! I saw the commercial for it and it looks SO yummy! I'm not a milk person, but to me this looks good so I would love to try it. Using their product locator, I found that I can buy it at Krogers, Giant Eagle, or Target. Those are the only three stores near me that sell it!

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Tracy said...

They sell this in almost all of the local grocery stores. Target, kroger, publix. Since baby I had a hard time with dairy, I became very familar with this. :)


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Fran said...

After our youngest was in the hospital, her pediatrician told us to switch her to soy milk to buff up her iron levels. We have been using it ever since but recently I became concerned about soy. Our local Walmart was giving out samples of the Silk Almond Milk and we tried the vanilla and the regular and liked them both. My 10 year old even asked for some! With the Silk soymilk, the vanilla was WAY too sweet so we used the plain. I have since switched my daughter to the Silk Almond mixed with regular 2 % milk as well (that stuff costs a lot!!). A coupon would come in oh-so-handy :)

Emily N. said...

I can get it at Target.

Rachel said...

I can get it at Schnuck's

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Anonymous said...

I can get it at the kroger by me.
ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu

Anonymous said...

I can get mine at Kroger!
stroker881 at hotmail dot com

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shannonmetz12 said...

7/15 Daily Tweet http://twitter.com/shannonnjames/status/18599707585

Rachel said...

I can find this at my local Kroger affiliate - yum!

Thanks for the chance to win!


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Thanks for hosting this contest!

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saved1112 said...

The locator on their website says I can find it at Target. It does not list it at Hyvee nor Apple Market, where I have seen it.

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Cathy W said...

I can get it at Kroger

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