I recently had the opportunity to check out a cool website for great educational toys!
All parents love educational toys for their kids. I know I'm always on the lookout for them. Enter Growing Tree Toys. They had a wide variety of toys that kids will enjoy.
I appreciate that on the site you can look for products in three categories: age group, department, and brands. It is very helpful to be able to find the product that I'm looking for easily and effectively. I'm all about efficiency. There is also a section for Gifts for Boys or Gifts for Girls.
You can find puzzles for all ages. (My son LOVES puzzles.) Or a wide selection of arts and crafts. I'm sure you won't have any problems finding something for the little one in your life. There are lots of great items for all the children on your Christmas list.
We got to choose an item to review. I picked a Melissa & Doug set. We have 3 Melissa & Doug food sets, and they've provided hours and hours of play for my son. We also have some wooden Melissa & Doug puzzles. (Those didn't last long for my son, no challenge after a short while.)
We received the Melissa & Doug Slice & Bake Cookie Set. My son has enjoyed making and decorating cookies for us, our family, and our friends. He thinks that cutting the cookies and baking them in the "oven" (usually a box) is so much fun! Plus it's something new, because I don't make cookies this way (I love baking from scratch). He probably doesn't completely understand why he's slicing the cookies, but I showed him how and he likes it. The interchangeable parts are fun for lots of different variety options.
I enjoy toys like these that encourage imaginative play. There are many different toys like this available from GrowingTreeToys. I'm sure that you'll find them nice and easy to work with as well.
Buy It: Go check out GrowingTreeToys.com and see all the great products they carry.
*A product was provided to me for the purpose of this review.*
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