In plenty of time for the holidays, Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment are bringing your children's favorite characters to DVD in many Christmasy, snowy and fun-filled DVDs. Thomas & Friends: Sodor Friends Holiday Collection, Barney: Tee-riffic Holiday Collection, and Bob the Builder: Building Crew Holiday Collection are all available now.
What a great way for your child to start the Christmas season! And these collection sets are also wonderful Christmas ideas for any child on your list. Each collection contains 3 separate DVDs inside. Kids will be able to join in the familiar Christmas carols and have lots of winter-time fun with Barney: Tee-Riffic Holiday Collection. Bob the Builder is always the guy to turn to for action-packed winter adventures and how to get things done around the holidays in the Bob The Builder: Building Crew holiday Collection. And snowy, holiday adventures await Thomas in the Thomas & Friends: Sodor Friends Holiday Collection.
Gift set synopses:
>Barney: Tee-Riffic Holiday Collection - Bundle up with your best friend Barney for this special collection of wintertime favorites! Take a musical journey to the North Pole with Barney, BJ, and Baby Bop in "Night Before Christmas." Sing along to your favorites Barney tunes in the fun-filled game show, "Can You Sing That Song?" And join Barney, Bob the Builder, Thomas & Friends and more for the magic of "Winter Wonderland" in this tee-riffic holiday gift set!>Bob the Builder: Building Crew Holiday Collection - Just in time for the holidays, discover why "the fun is in getting it done" in these action-packed, fun-filled adventures! Join Bob and the Can-Do Crew as they rescue their friend from a winter storm in "Bob's White Christmas." Then it's time to build a log cabin and smooth the ice rink for the Winter Games. Finally, come along as Bob and Scoop hunt for buried treasure -- and make some amazing discoveries -- in this one-of-a-kind collection thats' the perfect holiday treat for Bob the Builder fans.>Thomas & Friends: Sodor Friends Holiday Collection - There's fun around every turn in these joyful wintertime adventures! Catch the holiday spirit as Thomas & Friends prepare for the grand opening of the Toy Workshop. Laugh and play along as Percy tries to fool his friends into believing he's Jack Frost. And hold on tight for some of Thomas' most thrilling races and rescues in this heartwarming holiday collection.
Zachariah has thoroughly enjoyed every one of these DVDs. A few he's watched many times since we got them. Several of them have games for the DVD player. And one of the Barney movies has games for the computer. He spent over an hour playing them one day. He was happy as a clam, and they were perfect for him to use. And we always enjoy having plenty of seasonal movies to watch each year.
These videos are targeted at children ages 1-5 years old. The total run-time for Barney: Tee-Riffic Holiday Collection Gift Set is 177 minutes, Bob the Builder: Building Crew Holiday Collection Gift Set is 127 minutes, and Thomas & Friends: Sodor Friends Holiday Collection Gift Set is 120 minutes.
Buy It: Barney: Tee-Riffic Holiday Collection Gift Set, Bob the Builder: Building Crew Holiday Collection Gift Set, and Thomas & Friends: Sodor Friends Holiday Collection Gift Set are available in stores now or you can them online.
Win It: I have one (1) copy of each Barney: Tee-Riffic Holiday Collection Gift Set, Bob the Builder: Building Crew Holiday Collection Gift Set, and Thomas & Friends: Sodor Friends Holiday Collection Gift Set to give to one of you lucky readers. There will be 3 total winners, each will receive one Holiday Gift Set.
To Enter: Tell me a favorite Holiday tradition that your family does each year. Be sure to include your e-mail address, so I can contact you when you win. (If I can't find an e-mail or don't already have it, I will draw a new number for the winner.)
Extra Entries: If you'd like to, you may earn extra entries for doing each of the following. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each. You must do the above (main) entry first, then you can do these others.
*Post about the giveaway on your blog and leave the link here. (2 entries)
*Post about the giveaway on Twitter and leave the link here. **You may do this once each day for unlimited entries until the contest ends.**
Cut & Paste: Enter to win HIT Holiday Collection DVDs (Barney, Bob the Builder & Thomas) from @psmomreviews - http://tinyurl.com/y85z6c2.
*Subscribe to this blog by a feed reader.
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*Enter one of my other giveaways, then come back here and let me know which one you entered. You may do this for one extra entry.
This giveaway is open now through Sunday, November 15th. I will draw a winner on Monday, November 16th.
**Don't forget to sign up for these other giveaways:
HIT Favorites: Frosty Friends DVD - Closes Nov. 12th
*A product was received for the purpose of this review.*
My favorite holiday tradition is cutting down the Christmas tree the first Saturday of December. seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
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I entered your Frosty DVD giveaway. seehorce(at)yahoo(dot)com
I have a Christmas party on Christmas Eve with my mom and brother's every year! Thanks!
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
We always go out to lunch on Christmas Eve...and then watch Christmas movies the rest of the night! Going out to dinner was a big treat for my family growing up...my parents had 6 kids, so we hardly ever went out to eat!
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We always have fondue on Christmas eve. yum!
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We do Elf on a Shelf. It's so much fun!
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christmas eve we have tamales, and hot punch, and do a pinata, and at midnight the kids get to open there presents. Then Christmas day we go to my moms, but this year I think we are staying home, and enjoying our house.
My family was only really knew to Christmas and were going to have our Christmas alone at home this year, so we never really got to establish a tradition together. But with my parents we tend to head out to all the regulars houses on Christmas Eve for a visit from someone "special" :)
I love going out on Christmas Eve!
Every year we get together with the family on Christmas eve and open a few presents after we eat a big meal together.
jrhammlett at yahoo
As a family it is decorating the tree but for my daughter right now she loves to look at all the lights...no wait we love Christmas cookies too :)
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
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I entered HIT Favorites: Frosty Friends DVD
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
We look forward to putting up the tree/ornies to music and hot cocoa every year. We're already excited now!
Bridgette Groschen
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we have 2 favorite traditions - going to cut our tree and watching Christmas Vacation movie together - so funny!
dctm at bellsouth dot net
My favorite tradtion is reading, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" before bed on Christmas Eve.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
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Our tradition is to put up the tree on thanksgiving night while we stuff ourselves with pumpkin pie and blast christmas music it is so much fun and I look forward to it every year!!
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I entered the hits favs frosty and friends giveaway!
Every year on Christmas eve we hold a pajama party. You get one present to open and its always brand new pajamas to wear to bed christmas eve! Its a big celebration with hot chocolate and fun. Then we make Christmas morning Wifesaver which sits overnight in the car and is always our breakfast christmas morning (just pop in the oven and wait!). P.S. For anyone making christmas morning wifesaver - DON'T USE CORNFLAKES - yuck.. wrecks it! lol.
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I love decorating the tree with the kids. Each year, we get a special ornament for each child and they get to place their ornaments on the tree. It's something we all look forward to!
Thanks for the chance to win.
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We have Christmas eve at the Grandparents house where we eat clam chowder and play card games early into the morning. Not really sure where those traditions started... but, we do it every year.
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I consider it a holiday tradition that we put the Christmas books away each January and don't get them out again until after Thanksgiving. Harper is learning that Christmas is close when those books appear again! (We do the same with Christmas movies and DVDs)
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I used to watch my mom, grandma and aunt get together right before Christmas to make a ton of chocolate candy to give away to friends and neighbors. Now that my grandma and aunt have passed away, my mom, sister and I get together to do it. Lots of fun!
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My Dad reads the Christmas Story from the Bible before we open Christmas gifts.
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Fav holiday tradition is watching It's a Wonderful Life and listening to Christmas music. Thanks! staying_younger@yahoo.com
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We have a birthday cake and sing "Happy Birthday Jesus."
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Posted about this at Winning Readings: http://winningreadings.blogspot.com/2009/11/hit-holiday-collection-dvds.html
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
Posted about this at Winning Readings: http://winningreadings.blogspot.com/2009/11/hit-holiday-collection-dvds.html
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
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One of our family traditions is to open presents on Christmas Eve and we have starting doing it with the grandchildren now!
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Deb K
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as growing up I didnt have any traditions but I am starting some with my kids and that is putting the tree up together and on Christmas morning we sing and spend the day together Tracy tlw0279@gmail.com
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coolnatty12 at yahoo dot com
Our favorite tradition is making popcorn & cranberry garland and also making pinecone birdfeeders to hang outside on our bushes. I even do the birdfeeders evry year with my daycare kids.
Thanks for the chance!!
Our fav tradition is driving through CandyCane Lane (a huge block of houses that really go all out on Christmas decorations). It's always to beautiful.
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We go with my parents, sisters, their husbands, niece, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandma (about 30 of us total) up to the same Christmas Tree farm every year the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We take a hayride out to the trees, help each family find the perfect one, head back to the little cabin where the kids see Santa, we sit in front of a big fireplace and all have hotdogs, hot chocolate and cookies. We all look forward to it so much every year and the people that own the tree farm are excited to see us every year and even have a picture of our family on their website!
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andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
My favorite holiday tradition my family does each year is on Christmas Eve, we all get in our pajamas, put on Christmas music, light a fire, and watch classic Christmas movies.
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I also entered your Thomas & Friends Holiday Express giveaway for an extra entry. Thank you!
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Every Thanksgiving our exteneded family gets together and after dinner we draw names for a gift exchange for the following year
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We read the Nativity Story every Christmas Eve
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Every year our whole extended family has dinner at my grandma's house Christmas Eve
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