Learning is one of the most important things my kid will ever do. As his mother it’s my job to help teach him the things he needs to know to grow and excel in life. For now our goal is getting him ready for kindergarten, and to be honest, finding something that will challenge him. My child is not a genius, but he’s smart. I want to do whatever I can to give him a leg up for school next year. And we do not send Zachariah to preschool, so I’ve done all his preschooling as homeschool. I use books and activities that I find now and then, and I also create my own curriculum. It’s pretty unstructured, but it works for us. He has done very well and learned so much.
Mead is a company who wants to bring learning and teaching tools to your home. They make it easy with their wonderful products geared towards your children. Not only do they make notebooks, folders, binders and more for school-aged children, but now they carry Early Learning products for younger children. I find these to be a perfect way to help educate my son at home.

I tried out a set of
Mead Early Learning books for my son. The first is
, which is the
stage 1 for
Fine Motor Development. My son definitely needs more work on this. This book is a perfect way to learn hand-eye coordination as well as fine motor skills. It contains pages with pictures that can be cut with scissors, then peel away strips so you can attach cut up colored pieces of paper to create your very own masterpiece. There are pages with colors and black lines to practice cutting out strips of paper. Then we used those to let me son make his own little shapes to stick to the paper. He loved doing this. He is fascinated by scissors, but for some reason he is still very awkward using them. The
Snip-It! Book from
Mead is perfect for honing these skills in my preschooler. The book is geared towards
Pre-K through 2nd grade.

The next book we got is
stage 2 Letter Formation. This one is perfect for
Pre-K through 2nd grade. This is the age children are learning to write capital and lowercase letters and numbers too. They need to learn how to use a pencil and hold it correctly. My son is doing great at writing all his capital letters and numbers, but he can still use the practice. Plus he still has a little work to do with the lowercase letters. In the
Mead 4-in-1 Learn to Letter
book there are 4 sections to help with a different thing. The first part of the notebook contains debossed capital letter guidelines. Your child will find it easy to almost trace these letters to get the feel for wear their lines should go. Then there is a section for debossed lowercase letter guidelines, embossed raised ruled sheets, and primary ruling paper. This makes a natural progression for your child for learning letters to writing them on their own.

Mead’s Idea Builders
is a book in the stage 3 Primary Writing category. Kindergarten through 2nd graders are learning to use their ideas to create sentences and stories. With this workbook, they get to use their imagination and idea guides to write words, then sentences, and finally paragraphs.
Then there is the
stage 4 Transitional stage for
1st grade and up called
. This workbook is helping children learn to write letters, sentences, paragraphs, and even numbers on regular notebook paper. It helps them transition from primary, dotted-line paper to wide-ruled notebook paper. There are visual cues to help teach them about margins, letter size and word spacing. As a teacher I know this can be tough for young kids to transition to this. I have to say I love this notepad that helps slowing get children accustomed to regular paper.
As a parent and a teacher, I highly recommend all of the Mead Early Learning workbooks. They are created with young children in mind. They use tools to help them learn important things about writing and reading.
Buy It: Mead has these 4 books plus more available in stores, through their
website, and on
as well.
Win It: I have a packet of each of these
4 Mead Early Learning workbooks that I featured for one lucky person to win!
To Enter: Go to Mead’s website, and tell me a product you’d love to have. Be sure to include your e-mail address, so I can contact you when you win. (If I can’t find an e-mail address in your profile or in your comment, I will draw a new number for the winner.)
Extra Entries: If you’d like to, you may earn extra entries for doing each of the following. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each. You must do the above (main) entry first, and then you can do these others.
*Post about the giveaway on your blog and leave the link here. (2 entries)
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*Grab my button and post if on your blog. (2 entries)
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*Become a fan of Mead on
Facebook. (2 entries)
*Leave a comment on
their wall about
how you’d use the products, along with a reference to this post. (2 entries)
*Enter my other giveaways, then come back here and let me know which ones you entered. (Each good for an extra entry, so you could get as many extra entries as giveaways you entered.)
*Follow them on
Twitter & send a tweet that includes “I’m following @Meadearlylearn thanks to @psmomreviews “ (2 entries)
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This giveaway is open now through Sunday, January 30th. I will post a winner on Monday, January 31st.
>Open to USA only!<
*Disclosure: I was not paid to post this, but a product was provided to me for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.*